Talk to Someone Who Can Help

 If you're feeling really sad or down, it's important to talk to someone who knows how to help, like a therapist or counselor.

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Stay Close to People Who Care

Spend time with friends and family who make you feel good about yourself.

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Move Your Body

Doing activities like walking, dancing, or playing sports can help you feel better.

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Take Care of Yourself

Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and do things that make you happy, like hobbies or spending time with pets.

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Change Negative Thoughts

When you're feeling bad, try to challenge those thoughts by thinking about positive things or doing activities that make you feel good.

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Set Small Goals

nstead of trying to do everything at once, break big tasks into smaller ones. It'll make things feel less overwhelming.

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Avoid Too Much Stress

Try to find ways to relax, like listening to music, taking a bath, or doing breathing exercises.

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Consider Medication if Needed

Sometimes, doctors might prescribe medicine to help you feel better. It's okay to consider it if it could help you.

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5 amazing health benefits of zumba
