Gentle Cleansing Use a mild, fragrance-free cleanser to wash the affected areas, keeping the skin clean without causing irritation.
Drink Water and Eat Right Drink lots of water and eat fruits, veggies, and whole grains. A healthy diet helps keep your skin in good shape.
Tea Tree Oil Apply a diluted solution of tea tree oil (mixed with another oil) to acne-prone areas; its antibacterial properties can help fight acne-causing bacteria.
Regular Pillowcase Changes Change your pillowcases regularly to prevent the accumulation of oils, dirt, and bacteria that can contribute to body acne.
Hydration and Healthy Diet Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated, and maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to support overall skin health.
Wear Loose Clothes Wear loose, comfy clothes to avoid rubbing and let your skin breathe, reducing the chance of getting acne.