Durian (Durio)

Smelly fruit with creamy, sweet-and-savory taste.

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Huge tropical fruit with spiky skin, sweet, fibrous flesh, often used as a meat substitute.

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Dragon Fruit

Bright pink or yellow fruit with sweet, mildly flavored flesh and black seeds.

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Southeast Asian fruit, similar to lychee, with hairy skin and sweet, juicy flesh.

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Salak (Snake Fruit)

Commonly known as snake fruit, salak has reddish-brown scaly skin resembling snake scales. The crisp, crunchy texture and sweet-tart flavor make it a unique and refreshing snack.

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Cherimoya (Custard Apple)

Often referred to as the "custard apple," cherimoya has a green, scaly exterior and soft, white, custard-like flesh. Its flavor is a delightful blend of banana, pineapple, and strawberry.

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Buddha's Hand

Citrus fruit with finger-like segments, no juicy flesh, used for its strong lemon scent and zest.

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 6 benefits of eating papaya in winters.
